What does 10 Life represent?

Key Points

Saturday is the Sabbath, NOT Sunday.

There is absolutely nothing from God that tells anyone to change the Sabbath to Sunday. To change the Sabbath to Sunday is contempt toward God. It is one of the TOP 10.

The EASY way. Treat what God said in the first person with precedence.

Jesus said, "Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes" (John 12:35). Maybe Jesus meant that once he is gone, we will be walking in man's guidance again.

“Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?" Luke 6:46

You will get a lot of people that claim they do what Jesus says, but they also claim that the Commandments in The Law are obsolete. Jesus told them that is not true in Matthew 5:17-20.

A bit about my views...

I believe the reason I always noticed a BIG difference by what Mainstream Churches are teaching, and what Jesus actually said is because there is a BIG difference ...

After being a part of a Messianic Synagogue for several years and listening to them teach from the Old Testament, it finally sank in that all that God said in the Old Testament cannot simply be dismissed. The mainstream church’s position is what I believe is a bad interpretation of scripture that says "we are no longer UNDER the Law; we are UNDER Grace". They interpret this to mean the commands, which are in The Law, no longer apply to us. I believed this myself. I began to dig obsessively into the Bible to try to find somewhere where God Himself, or Jesus, ever said that the Law or the Prophets are expired. I found that not only did God never say that, but God said exactly the opposite. God clearly and with great intensity said in Matthew 5:17-19 that everything God said through The Law and the Prophets STANDS! I love the way Jesus pre-emptively resolves every dispute in this passage. He made sure you know what Commands He is talking about, it is "The Law and the Prophets" Matthew 5:17. He provides the time frame, "Til Heaven and Earth pass away" Matthew 5:18. He provides the scope of Commandments, all of them! "even the least of these commands" Matthew 5:19. How on Earth I, and the church as a whole, have completely reversed this scripture is a phenomenon that really needs to be analyzed. I call it Reversalism. Although the entire two paragraphs are Jesus exclaiming the importance to keep the Commands, we found the word "fulfilled" there in Matthew 5:17 and concluded that everything else that was said in the two paragraphs is somehow REVERSED. Fulfilled cannot mean what we tell people it means, or the passage would make no sense.

So, 10 Life represents the obvious truth that is plain to see in scripture. Jesus did not come to REVERSE or change everything God said. If it were so, He would have said that. He came to show us the way. He literally taught the Ten Commandments and clearly agreed with everything God said. By the way, what God has said in the Law and the Prophets ends up being much easier than what the mainstream church teaches through literal commands, implied commands, and peer pressure as being God's will. I call these fake commandments human religion. Sometimes, they are customs and traditions morphed into commands. These fake commands act as displacement to the real commands. Jesus said ... "Why do you transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" Matt 15:3. In simplest terms, I believe everything said inside and outside the Bible needs to be made subject to what we know God said, and not the other way around.